Jack Cade - EPK
'...Cade has created a stellar album.'
Maverick Country Music Magazine
'...‘Bear Bones’ is one captivating listen.'
'...Such is the quality and depth of the songwriting and music on this record it could be described as Cade’s very own ‘Nebraska'.'
Scroll Down for Biog, Reviews, Videos and more
As Americana UK recently noted, ‘Jack Cade will never be accused of having a golden throat. Imagine Kris Kristofferson in a heated argument with Tom Waits, Captain Beefheart, and Johnny Cash.’ Jack obviously sounds nothing like any of these unique vocalists, but they stand as a reference point to his rough, beaten up baritone of a voice, a vocal delivery that is best understood in a live setting, where his power to convey the feeling in each of his life inspired tales of love, loss, the downfalls and travails of society and the wider issues we all face in these times. But ultimately, his songs seek to understand and shine a light on issues and offer paths to redemption.
The songs have melodies, hooks and choruses that live long after the gig has finished, inspired in part by growing up with a mix of country tunes and punk rock. As Jack puts it himself ‘I put musical leanings down to a mixture of watching Sergio Leone westerns far too many times and the early years spent sitting in my grandparents kitchen on a Sunday afternoon, whilst the
roast dinner was in full swing, with the radio spewing out any number of popular country tunes. Then came Punk and that changed everything, now anyone could put together two and half minutes of three chord songs with a catchy chant of a chorus, it’s a cliché to say it, but it changed my teenage life. Now I write and sing simple songs about the life around me, a sort of social historic commentary. I always want each song to have something memorable about it.’
Jack plays a varied format live, from solo acoustic to full band and anything in-between, with slide guitarist and pianist his much favoured set-up. In keeping with his Punk roots, he strives to play
gigs that are affordable for people to attend.

Press Coverage Bear Bones and The Death Throes of a Jaded Empire
What a voice!
Tom Robinson BBC 6 Music
UK Americana is not generally my thing, but to my ears that genuinely does have the ring of Arkansas...

This is an astonishing record. Barely classifiable under Americana, the clear nods toward country leavened by similar appropriations from folk, the blues and rock.
The first thing that strikes the listener about ‘The Death Throes Of A Jaded Empire’ is Jack Cade’s astounding voice. It sounds like it’s been dredged up from the deep, primordial mud of the Thames Estuary where Jack was brought up on the Isle of Sheppey – an area not previously renowned for Americana. His amazing instrument sounds like a laboratory experiment where a mad scientist has mixed together the vocal chords of Tom Waits, Nick Cave and Kris Kristofferson, dropped in a pinch of Johnny Cash and added some of that estuary silt for good measure.
Jack has a voice like a fine bourbon,smooth and silky with a deep kick. Jack gives us quality songs with a quality voice, that transcends into a quality album.
You'd be mistaken,whilst listening,that Jack hails from the South coast of England and not the in the deep South of the USA.
His voice and songs belong in a hard hitting tv series like Sons Of Anarchy or True Blood.
The album flows seamlessly from one track to another and you sometimes think that Johnny Cash has been brought back from the dead.
Should your tastes run to the bleak, and you enjoy monochrome lithographs, frock coats and the book of revelation, liking the idea of ragged pants prophets roaming desolate wastelands, these magnificent dirges should give be right up your street. With a voice aged in barrels of rot-gut, Jack Cade sings with fire and brimstone chasers, in a rumbling baritone that could give any other man in black a run for their money.
"What's the point to wax lyrical and sing/If the words that we say don't mean anything", he asks. But these words are tempered in the fire of commitment and determination, and while the old empire may be in its death throes, Cade offers the glimpse of a genuinely true brave new world.
Cade’s music can never be described as commercial or pandering to the masses. His work is based on truth, honesty, and observations of the world around him. Often mixing hard-hitting lyrics with his gravel-edged voice, his sound is unique and definitely requires the attention of the listener.
A Thoughtful and Visionary Look at Life, Love and the
American Way... Rocking Magpie
Jack Cade has played at: Wood Festival/Edinburgh Fringe/Outwest Festival/The Big Day Out/Readipop/East Reading Festival/Homespun Festival/Lantern Society/The Alternative Escape/Oxjam/Reading Street Food Festival/Cirque Subite....
and supported: Southern Tenant Folk Union/Holy Moly and the Crackers/Case Hardin/Pat Reedy/La Morte Subite...
Jack Cade is available to play live shows in a variety of formats including solo with acoustic, duo with additional Dobro payer, trio with Dobro and Keys, four piece with fiddle player or full band.
Support is always offered to promoters in the form of posters, press info, pics, giveways and targeted social media promotions.